HNW and UHNW Women RISE and Trust Coaching

I am a happy, smiling, rich woman who loves Face Everything And RISE coaching for UHNW & HNW Women because I like to use RISE and Trust coaching

RISE and Trust Coaching for HNW and UHNW Women

“We believe in you Speed Dialling Your Self Trust.”
“We believe in you making a difference to your life.”
because when TRUST troubles plague your life, our troubleshooting dissolves your strife

Hello, Jay here...

Let me start by saying that for all you women where time is a fine resource, let me cut to the chase.  RISE is TRANSFORMATIONAL for affluent women who are having their 'What the holy Mary Mother of God is going on here!!!' issues in life.

I want you to try Speed Dialling Your Self Trust. Because I know it works but you don’t …yet!

Speed Dialling Your Self Trust comes with my full 100% beneficial guarantee to your well-being!

You will be absolutely convinced that my Speed Dialling Your Self Trust is the absolute best new service to aid your well-being from a life issue that you have ever discovered.. or simply let me know your change in circumstances so that your bespoke sessions are attuned in order to further aid your well-being.

Take Speed Dialling Your Self Trust to evaluate your well-being & control of your tensions from external/internal issues, through a review of interactive situations and adverse conditions arising from varying circumstances..for one day per month for 18 months... make sure it delivers what you need to helping you to be 10 degrees happier and appear 50 times more bad ass like a Soul DIVA. Go on, take it for a spin. I insist you take the time to use it, not once but multiple times (because once you get the fulfilment + completion bug you just want to keep on going with the sessions per month), get every single promise I promised you and be absolutely convinced that it is the right fit for you.

And if you need me in your personal support team due to a mental ill-health disorder, just let me know within the first six months and I will happily discuss how I can work with you in this capacity – all totally private & confidential. Read my articles if you need further proof and guidance.

Now it is time for you to make the leap of faith and trust...

I am a happy, smiling, rich woman who loves Face Everything And RISE coaching for UHNW & HNW Women because I like to use RISE and Trust coaching

I know that some women like the direct approach. Frequently preferring their selected information with less waffle. So knowing that, I will not take up an inordinate amount of your time. So let us crack on! Onwards and upwards!

RISE and Trust Coaching is a set of coaching sessions stemming from Face Everything And RISE Coaching.

Face everything and RISE Coaching is a treasure chest of three specific upper hand coaching packages for YOU, the High Net Worth Individual (HNWI) WOMAN.  YOU are a HNW Woman seeking to dissolve or release psychological shackles from your childhood and recent past, where thoughts and events clinging within your psyche are encompassing trauma and discomfort blighting the advancements and interactions to your professional, business and personal life.  Hindering valid and mutually beneficial connections with other like-minded advantageous individuals from various socio-economic backgrounds and cultures.

Face everything and RISE Coaching is a vehicle for women as YOU, to enable women as YOU to reach YOUR potential by being set free from YOUR shackles. You will engage with specific action steps. Your experience becomes priceless. Your actions + results delivers your desired destination.

Face everything and RISE Coaching opens up YOUR upper hand well-being transportation, YOUR upper hand professional transitioning and YOUR upper hand personal transformation as a High Net Worth Individual WOMAN. Where YOUR quality of life; professional, social and personal experiences, is entangled in two key factors of interactions which are limitation (hesitant advancements) and procrastination that are causing detrimental issues, challenges and situations to the authenticity of YOUR Self. To the enjoyment of YOUR Self. Without the anxiety attacks, worries, guilt, stress, anger or shame impacting upon the true inner being that wants to shine through and is in essence YOU. You will engage with specific action steps. Your experience becomes priceless. Your actions + results delivers your desired destination.

Face everything and RISE Coaching is ideal for affluent women as YOU who treasure their inner child, are shy or are introvert or have low level autism and prefer one-to-one sessions through face to face, online and over the telephone connections. All sessions are directly with me, Jay O’Burg, (lovely London lady) through Face Everything And RISE Coaching. Together we are going to engage in a Like Know Trust (LKT) relationship. You will engage with specific action steps. Your experience becomes priceless. Your actions + results delivers your desired destination.

Face everything and RISE Coaching is a treasure chest of three specific upper hand coaching packages for professional and affluent women as YOU who seek a candle that shines a light in that one dark corner of YOUR mind to help YOU:

1. Clarify YOUR vision and direction.

2. Develop YOUR actions.

3. Improve YOUR skillsets.

4. Upgrade YOUR environment.

5. Master YOUR mindset.

All STRESS FREE. As ‘stress free’ is what you seek. Stress free. Complication free. Life of Tears free.

Helping you get what you want out of life.

"That you are not all alone in life is important. It is possible to feel alone with a house full of people who think that they know you. Jay enables me to trust in me and not feel so alone."
Karen, Australia

Click on the image below to enlargen it, for more Stress free, Complication free, Life of Tears free.

I am a happy, smiling, rich woman who loves Face Everything And RISE coaching for UHNW & HNW Women because I like to use RISE and Trust coaching

I am a happy, smiling, rich woman who loves Face Everything And RISE coaching for UHNW & HNW Women because I like to use RISE and Trust coaching

FREE STUFF ALERT! If you are carouselling the Internet as a freeloader to help you self-counsel a mindset, mental health or other life issue then RISE coaching has some resources for you.

Even for you sneaky entrepreneurs who are only seeking out the free stuff to add content to your business ideas then RISE coaching has some content for you to steal. *You know who you are.*

In essence it is time for you to face it. You cannot help being a freeloader, or life moaner, in not really wanting a solution to your life transition issue, you only want to stay in the cloud of self pity, despair and helplessness, circumventing the help that is there for you. So with you only wanting the FREE stuff, access the complimentary nuggets of gold from here scroll down to the end for access to the millionairess’ secret stash, or, the billionairess’ indulgences. All good stuff and no extra weight to the hips, thighs and bum areas! Just some real good well-being treats available at the playlist selections to keep you going every day and every month.

With Speed Dialling Your Self Trust in your arsenal, you can literally and figuratively dominate your transition and transformation issues without resorting to morally questionable tactics. At least if you chose not to. Free will is everything.

The FREE STUFF includes:
Year In The Life Of A Millionairess: 12 Monthly composite videos of life issues/decisions/actions concerning professional affluent women & HNW Women. The 12 videos are based on real life experiences and give you the viewer an insight to transition & transformation unaligned/stuck points that prevail in the lives of these affluent women when dealing with professional, social and personal discord. Plus, solutions. EACH VIDEO WORTH £230. Total worth = £2,760. Provided to you for FREE to aid your own life issue.

(Bonus) Year In The Life Of A Billionairess: 12 Monthly composite videos of life issues/decisions/actions concerning HNW/UHNW Women. The 12 videos are based on real life experiences and give you the viewer an insight to transition & transformation unaligned/stuck points that prevail in the lives of these affluent women when dealing with professional, social and personal discord. Plus solutions. EACH VIDEO WORTH £530. Total worth = £6,360. Provided to you for FREE to aid your own life issue.

365 RISE Shorts: Daily videos of life transition/transformation issues that you are going through with solutions. Issues taken from real life experiences of RISE clients. EACH VIDEO WORTH £60. Total worth = £21,900. Provided to you for FREE to aid your own life issue.

Get all of this and more for FREE right now at Face Everything And RISE coaching for women.

I am a happy, smiling, rich woman who loves Face Everything And RISE coaching for UHNW & HNW Women because I like to use RISE and Trust coaching

Did anyone ever inform you that Face everything and RISE coaching provides three specific coaching packages for HNWI? For HNWI WOMEN like you. HNWI WOMEN who have aspects of their “Mongrel Identity” (Cultural, Class, Race), “Being different” and Geneaology bubble up and cause anxiety or distress at particular situations in their life. Let RISE help you embrace your “Mongrel Identity”, “Being Different” and Geneaology to achieve your outcome through its coaching packages.

Halt the struggling. Halt the stress. Align with your destination journey attention and intention to get the desired change.

I am a happy, smiling, rich woman who loves Face Everything And RISE coaching for UHNW & HNW Women because I like to use RISE and Trust coaching

Time to Connect with Speed Dialling Your Self Trust

Meaning: Enable YOUR upper hand development to RISE as a professional, affluent Woman and bring about increasing sales to your life. RISE from the block chains holding you back or tripping you over from within the troubled areas of YOUR life, so that you can regain TRUST in yourself to achieve the increase sales. Launch TRUST IN YOURSELF to make the connections that are refreshed and supporting, in order to enable your best achievements directed at each and every one of your life destinations. Learn HOW to increase sales into your life as a business that is delivering self love and confidence in the steps that you take.

Thank you for arriving at your launch of the Speed Dialling Your Self Trust sessions. These sessions are 1:1 (Face-to-Face and Online). In your conversation and sessions with me you shall face everything and RISE from your current situation, issue or challenges, so that you can resolve them through my help in helping you to help yourself, to achieve the destinations in life that you want to be at when you begin to acknowledge that your Life Is A Business. A treasure chest of opportunities awaits you with launching Speed Dialling Your Self Trust into your life with perfect self love and confidence in the steps that you take. Remember that success is a journey that cannot sustain the feeling of joy through your isolation.

The Speed Dialling Your Self Trust sessions launches and commences with you. Launch your 18 months 1:1 sessions (Face-to-Face and Online) from here. During one day each month, for 18 months, you are with me to help you overcome the present blocks that are holding you back or tripping you over from within the troubled areas of your life that are not allowing the increase sales into your life as a business. Through my professional effort, achievements and skillsets I will help you to regain trust in yourself to achieve results when you hit the dips in your life breakages. The process of how this is achieved varies from person to person and as such is bespoke to each client. Changing something fundamental about your life as a business.

Through your partnership with me over the 18 months:
  • You will make connections to results.
  • You will encounter feelings of genuine support.
  • You will experience the achievement of being helped through the Speed Dialling Your Self Trust session, to enable your best achievements directed at each and every one of your life destinations throughout the 18 months in confidentiality.
  • You will journey through your isolation without the overwhelm.

The most common question for this package is: "Can I flip my life around and learn to manage my spirituality with my day to day activities that adds to my lifestyle and prepares me for my ascension through Speed Dialling Your Self Trust?"

Yes!!! You can enable the transformation that works with you on a daily basis when you launch these sessions, EVEN IF you are having struggles with belief, as things shall unfold for you in ways that are perfect for you, that you are ready for, without the overwhelm through guidance.

Below is a vision board. A vision board (or as some of my hard ass clients like to call it, an in your face oracle) of your current and previous, situations and feelings. The vision board below is there to assist you in recognising which private and professional aspects require your attention, in your estimation. Afterall, you know yourself better than anyone (just to keep you in the loop, my team of angels helped me put this oracle together for you, so that your team of angels could connect to you through it.  Don't you just love it when someone is looking out for you!  Watching your back, front, sides and any other position you happen to be in!).  Happy Days!!!

This is one of the best professional and private RISE coaching packages using spiritual alignment that unblocks, clears and cleanses unwanted energies that are impacting upon you and your life journey. When you feel confident and comfortable enough you shall begin to recognise and do some practices on your own, by consistently connecting with your Self and be-ing your light. It can take time though. So either engage in some First Dates with Face Everything And RISE coaching. OR. Take an Online Growth+Value Audit with my help to understand your "Fix My Life!" situation; only if you really need to take things to the your next level. Simply use the Online Growth+Value Audit which directs you to feel connected to you; your reality, where you are right now in life and where you desire to be. 
When you tune in to a RISE Life solution you will need to take each monthly session that the package offers to completely gain the benefits on your journey and do a little bit of 'homework', but it is worth it and will help in your evolution. Professional and Private.

The more recognition of your recurring feelings, emotions, sensations, experiences or impulses that you have attached to the images below from the vision board, the more that this confirms that you require the Online Growth+Value Audit to acknowledge the cobwebs of your life and see the solutions from RISE Life. In that event, it would be to your discretion and best interest to take the few moments that you have right here to decide upon taking this Online Growth+Value Audit. Trust me it will resonate with you. So take FIVE seconds to decide on whether you like being stuck in the pain of your life situation that you are in now, OR, you want to get the hell out. Tick. Tock. 

I am giving you an invitation opportunity to Connect with me. Take an Online Growth+Value Audit for valuable insights and results so that you can see how to change your situation in confidentiality ONLY ON THURSDAYS. I am opening this lifeline to you between 14:00 to 17:00 (GMT).  That is it.  Stop hearing the sound of crickets in your head and feeling the loneliness in your soul.
Simply take this life diagnostic to help you deal with haters, to help you deal with hangers on, to help you step away from the 'plate of broken biscuits' that your life seems to be all about at the moment. You need to be true to you otherwise the diagnostic will not work in your favour. Let RISE Life help get your journey started with the support that is perfect for you. RISE Life is the hand-held that shall help you to make your journey. My name is Jay and I will help you to help yourself. Not only on this current journey of yours, but as the RISE Life solutions begin to work for you, other things shall bubble up and require attention because of the better changes/alignments that you start to make in your life.  Understand that your effort activates energy and energy creates results. These are your sales. 

You want to do it all by yourself? You fancy doing some DIY remedials on your own? OK! Become Madame Unrealised Potential.
Click on the vision board image below for an enlargement of the composite to your HNW life impacts/situations.
(Q) Do you truly want to stay in a mental state of shabby.  Or, do you want to kick ass in your Stuart Weitzman's and get results?

I am a happy, smiling, rich woman who loves Face Everything And RISE coaching for UHNW & HNW Women because I like to use RISE and Trust coaching

Monthly 1:1 price for RISE and Trust package: GBP £7,710 (Payment also accepted in Commodities, Stocks & Shares with Dividends, or, cryptocurrency)
For bespoke packages
Short-term (0-9 months) bespoke payments are made in full prior to commencement of specific package. Email Jay to discuss your coaching needs.
Long-term (10 months+) bespoke payments are made per month prior to start of specific package. Email Jay to discuss your coaching needs.

RISE Support: GBP £66 (per 30 minutes) (RISE Support is available as a stand alone support service without any form of coaching. RISE Support is the provision of a RISE Consultant within your support team.) Please email Jay at RISE and Trust for further details.

I am a happy, smiling, rich woman who loves Face Everything And RISE coaching for UHNW & HNW Women because I like to use RISE and Trust coaching

Never forget that success is a journey that cannot sustain the feeling of joy through your isolation. Never, ever, forget this.

"The authentic self is the soul made visible."
Sarah Ban Breathnoch

I am a happy, smiling, rich woman who loves Face Everything And RISE coaching for UHNW & HNW Women because I like to use RISE and Trust coaching

I am a happy, smiling, rich woman who loves Face Everything And RISE coaching for UHNW & HNW Women because I like to use RISE and Trust coaching

Name: Jay O'Burg

Gender: Female

What Jay does: Your Life Is A Business and "Fix My Life!" Direction Clarity and Success for Women consultations, Life Alignment Healing and Personal Growth Rescue Plan & Co-Creation.  For when you are slipping through the cracks of life.

Jay's professional background: Jay is an accredited Continual Professional Development (CPD) Assessor, a personal educator and advisor to women. She is a qualified Assessor in Team Building, Leadership, Management, Administration and Customer Service. An advocate of adult education and training, utilising best practise social mobility to initiate a result-based, progressive, professional and personal lifestyle for clients. She holds an industry accreditation in Security and Risk Management. In addition, Jay has a Business Degree in Management and is knowledgeable of international cultural challenges through leisure, tourism and hospitality studies.  Where she specialised in Destination Infrastructure & Feasibility Management and Event Management.

Jay's cultural background: Having been born, bred and raised within a melting pot of cultures in London, UK, Jay is highly knowledgeable on various cultures and social classes from since childhood and into adulthood. It is this inclusion from since birth that has expanded and contributed greatly to an understanding and acceptance of others from varying cultural backgrounds and social status.  Plus, valuable experiences of social exclusion. A better and rounded person from the knowledge gained, skills attained, observance encountered and exposure to growth that has led to attraction and increasing sales within her own Life Is A Business growth.

Still want more...

Living with: London born Jay lives in Europe with her two dogs and is living it large.  Jay is estranged from her partner who is autistic and also a genius specialist Chemistry Scientist who is on a pharma team that produces a Covid-19 vaccine.  Jay adds to this mention of autism that it is not viewed by her partner as an 'illness' or 'disability'.  Without his form of autism he would not have his insane intelligence and razor sharp focus that makes him a genius at what he does in his specialist area of chemistry.  The autism is simply a part of who he is.  That is, highly intelligent, persistent and creative.  Plus, yes, he feels fulfilled when clients and his peers appreciate him for his accomplishments.  Accomplishments that greatly benefit investor revenues.  Woe betide those that do not acknowledge his accomplishments.

I am a happy, smiling, rich woman who loves Face Everything And RISE coaching for UHNW & HNW Women because I like to use RISE and Trust coaching

Still want more...

Jay's therapeutic background: Jay is a Reiki Master Teacher and a member of Soka Gakkai International (Buddhism of Nichiren Daishonin). Jay is also an Aura Communicator.  She helps you with unblocking, clearing and cleansing unwanted energies that are impacting upon your journey and accessing your ability to further RISE.

I am a happy, smiling, rich woman who loves Face Everything And RISE coaching for UHNW & HNW Women because I like to use RISE and Trust coaching

Jay's Dress Size: UK18, NZ/AU 18, Germany 44, Japan 19, USA 16.

Jay's Shoe Size: UK 10, NZ/AU 11.5, Germany 45, Japan 29, USA 12.

Just between you and Jay...

Adores: Aviation, Chocolates, Classical Music and Operas, World Music, Soul, Blues, Jazz. Sometimes even a little Drum & Bass. (Time for a little hum as the flight cabin is being prepared.)
BĂŞte noire: Red tomatoes!!! and Stress. Oh yes and……...Rudeness. (There is a distinct difference between being direct and rudeness. Not a lot of people know that.)

From Jay to you...

"Success is a journey that should never be taken alone. Trust me on this. Whether you decide to take my coaching or that of someone else, your well-being integration is primary. Remember that success is a journey that should never be taken alone."

I am a happy, smiling, rich woman who loves Face Everything And RISE coaching for UHNW & HNW Women because I like to use RISE and Trust coaching

Per hour payment plan starts from: £1,927.50p for bespoke package

Before I go...

I want to help you through facing everything and RISE in order to help you to help yourself, initiating the changes that you desire in your life.

Do what you feel in your heart to be right. For you will be criticised anyway.
Eleanor Roosevelt

I want to help you to help yourself to growing a yielding business that supports your needs, wants and desires. If you want, also your dreams.

To be nobody but myself; in a world which is doing its best night and day to make me somebody else, means to fight the hardest battle any human can fight and never stop fighting.
E.E. Cummings

I want you to receive the incredible coaching that enables you to help yourself in changing your life and your business.

I can be a better me than anyone can.
Diana Ross

Adding to the above...

In essence, when you combine with and co-ordinate your actions with the coaching sessions support I do not want you to miss out on any progressive results.

We have to dare to be ourselves, however frightening or strange that self may prove to be.
May Sarton

Let us keep in contact!

We have to stand up for what we believe in, even when we might not be popular for it. Honesty starts with being ourselves, authentic and true to who we are and what we believe in, and that may not always be popular, but it will always let you follow your dreams and your heart.
Tabatha Coffey

I leave you with this...

When you are authentic, you create a certain energy...people want to be around you because you are unique.
Andie Macdowell


I am a happy, smiling, rich woman who loves Face Everything And RISE coaching for UHNW & HNW Women because I like to use RISE and Trust coaching

RISE and Trust Coaching FAQ’s

Still not sure about...

WHERE do I receive the coaching?

You receive the coaching over Skype, Zoom or/and Face to Face.

WHAT is the value that I receive, from RISE and Trust coaching for women, for the amount of money that you are asking for?

I guarantee that the value to you; as a fitting client of RISE coaching for women, is measured in the results, outcome and transformation from taking part 100% in any of the three primary RISE packages and/or a bespoke RISE coaching package. That as a client of RISE coaching for women you experience a profitable result, outcome and transformation as a result of working with Jay. The value provided is central to your well-being during the process of the coaching. This includes, but is not exclusive to, the added value to your professional, social or personal lifestyle, your entrepreneurial ventures, your requirement to feel better than you did before, your self esteem, your growth, your development, your transitioning life experiences, your ability to embrace your true value, your transmuting resistance from moving forward, so on and so forth. So as you can gather there are bumper value bonuses to the RISE coaching for women package when you commence with an expert member of the RISE consultancy team, including with Jay.

WHO does the coaching with me?

You will receive sessions directly from one of the female consultants in the small RISE team, including Jay.

WHAT makes your service different from the others that help women:
Achieving results

What makes the service outstanding is that the sessions are bespoke to each female client within the Speed Dialling Your Self Trust framework. Jay will invest herself in you and give you full attention and effort to help you make the transition to achieving results. You will invest substantive effort to gain the result. Your dreams will not work unless you do.
In business

Through the service that you have chosen, you shall gain a transition of yourself in connection to the relationship of yourself to your business.
With mindset challenges

The mindset challenges that you have are best received and assisted by a coach that you feel safe and secure with. That you have confidence in. That you have faith in. That you are able to build a meaningful and trusting relationship with. Without any of this you will feel out of sync in the coaching. If you have an inclination towards me, right here right now, then the coaching WILL help you. Helping you to help yourself.

HOW must I contact you?

Select the RISE coaching. Email me. We connect. We see each other. We hear each other.
I am happy to get the ball rolling. Let me explain a little about myself and HOW I LIKE TO WORK.

For the last few years I have been communicating and working solely with a mixture of affluent ladies who have made their own wealth. Most of my work primarily uses analytic techniques. I like to work with a small number of clients. Often over a period of months. So no quick fixes here I am afraid.

If after the initial introductory session you decide to move forward with my help then we should aim to meet at a mutually beneficial time, at the preferred location each and every month. Online, or face to face.

If you cancel, or you are unable to attend a session, you will I am afraid still be charged.

I am conscious that this might sound a little mercenary but the purpose, or the aim, is to preserve a time and a space which is entirely yours. Month after month. A private, safe, space where frank and intimate discussions can take place.

This might not be what you are after. So you are perfectly entitled to be with someone else that you resonate with more strongly. You are more than welcomed to continue reading my articles to help your progression. If you change your mind and you need my help just reach out to me in strictest confidence.

The purpose of the goal of the first session by telephone or Skype or face to face is so that we see if the two of us might work together.

So, feel free to get the ball rolling about you and why you are here.  Give me a call, or send me an email to arrange a meeting.

Still not sure...

WHY do you NOT show your face more, who you are and what you do more visibly like others on the Internet who do what you do?

I predominantly work with women who are new money individuals and women who have professional executive careers. Most of these women come from different ethnic, cultural and social class backgrounds. They come from the UK, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Germany, Australia, USA. A handful from UAE, Asia, Africa, the Caribbean and Canada. A few of whom have security personnel, therefore I have to work within specific boundaries that allow me to do what I do within the framework of these individuals and their teams. As such I have zero interest in reaching thousands or millions of so called Likes. I do what I do best without the need for broadcasting myself as a game show host or reality television 'star'. As an introvert it is how I prefer it and it is how my clients choose me to help them through my sessions. As someone qualified in close protection, this situation suits me and my clients best. We get more accomplished together without too many distractions. Results are do-able without the all singing, all dancing, cabaret, neon flashing lights of intrusive social media mediums.
If you feel the need for someone flashy and constantly online across an abundance of social media platforms then we are not suited to work with each other. I cannot support you in that particular role. This piece of information just saves us both time and money. I am merely being fair to you and honest to the both of us. Just saying.

WHY should I choose you?

You have already chosen me because you can. Others cannot. You have decided to choose the differential that this service brings. You have decided to choose the ‘something different‘ with transition that this service brings. You have decided to choose “I want to be...” from the results that this service brings. Because when TRUST troubles plague your life, my troubleshooting dissolves your strife. Guaranteed.

You realise that,
+ You have chosen me because you want help to get what you want out of life. Or.
+ You have chosen me because you are desperate for help and support in your life. Or.
+ You have chosen me because you are a diaspora expat. Or.
+ You have chosen me because I am a woman who can understand your issue as a shy, introvert or autistic individual. Or.
+ You have chosen me because you want to be in a well-being and mental health safe haven.

++ Essentially, YOU have chosen me because [YOU SAY IT]. I am a happy, smiling, rich woman who loves Face Everything And RISE coaching for UHNW & HNW Women because I like to use RISE coaching

British quality service since 1985.

I am a happy, smiling, rich woman who loves Face Everything And RISE coaching for UHNW & HNW Women because I like to use RISE and Trust coaching
Warning! Only click on the link if you are in a hurry to engage yourself with 1-to-1 RISE coaching transformation to iron out a particular lifestyle status circumstance, due to an imminent professional, social or private situation that requires immediate attention.