UHNW & HNW Women: Trust Your Role As A Real Affluent Housewife & RISE

I am a happy, smiling, rich woman who loves Face Everything And RISE coaching for UHNW & HNW Women because I like to use RISE and Trust coaching

UHNW and HNW Women
Trust Your Role As A Real Affluent Housewife & RISE

Living in affluence does not mean following or obeying the mainstream tribe of affluence. It means embracing YOUR difference & dealing with the calling of abundance from day to day.

Join today’s conversation on why you as an Ultra High Net Worth (UHNW), High Net Worth (HNW) or affluent professional woman should look carefully at your situation and take the most appropriate risks that you feel you would be able to handle. Time is of the essence for you. You want to achieve as much as possible as the years fly by. You are getting older and you feel there is still so much that you want to do before your time is up.

Mingled into this are the expectations of others. The others who are YOUR life partner (husband, fiance, boyfriend, gentleman friend, wife, girlfriend, lover, lady friend). The others who are YOUR family (near and distant, bloodline and step family). The others who are YOUR ‘friends’. The others who are YOUR colleagues. The others who are stakeholders in YOUR life.

You are an UHNW, HNW or affluent professional woman and you have experienced a myriad of life trials and tribulations. You have been through levels of hate, stress, anger, self loathing, emotional upheaval, tears and tantrums. You have also danced along your life journey in the giddiness of joy, happiness, affection, glee, love, elation and adoration.

So, you are what you are and that is an affluent woman. You are shy or an introvert. Perhaps with low level autism. You live in an affluent home. You live an affluent lifestyle. You have weight fluctuations. You have dietary impulses. You have relationship quandaries. Yet presently you are dealing with a situation that is causing you some concern as an affluent housewife. You are thinking about your worth in your relationship. That thought entered your head at the start of your role as an affluent housewife. The trepidation was put to bed by your partner answering your concern as to what your role contributed within the relationship. You take some solace from the entertainment of a television series called Real Housewives of blah, blah, blah. Only the USA reality entertainment factor is not what you crave, desire or are feeling at the moment. You feel out of sorts somehow in this role as an affluent housewife. So today this is where you find yourself. Considering a change. Considering a release from something that is not sitting well within your role as an affluent housewife.

You have your fairytale life and are thankful for it. No way are you giving it up.

You feel like a goldfish in a bowl, in this swanky, glossy affluent housewife role that feels implausible and which is far removed from the humble/impoverished housewife role that your mother and female relations had to deal with. Yes. You understand that there are countless other women around the world who come from disadvantaged, marginalised and poor backgrounds with little or no education who would gladly trade where they are with you. No questions asked. They would do whatever it took to be in your position. To these 'poor' women your life is a fairytale and it is the fairytale that they want for themselves. Every day you give thanks to a higher spiritual being that you are not in their situation.

You have your fairytale life and give praise for it. You are not giving it up for anyone.

Standing in your shoes looking around at the opulence of your surroundings, the reality of your life as it stands presently, is that you feel a lack of trust within relationships. Relationships with others and with yourself. You feel like a fraud yet you have worked hard to get where you are.

Very few of you would have heard about, let alone seen, the British version of the Real Housewives franchise from Bravo, the British version is called Real Housewives of Cheshire. Slightly more of you may have heard about and seen the North American versions of Real Housewives that kick started the reality TV craze about women living opulent lives. In essence a group of women who are brought together to connect socially through business, family and ‘friendship’. How many of you remember ‘Ladies of London’? A mish-mash of monied British and North American women who do lunch and have culture clashes in desirable parts of London. No-one remember Ladies of London? No takers then. Not to worry, most other people are non the wiser.

Outsiders will always question your role as a proper 'real' housewife?
Do not let the opinions of others get to you.

The thing is this. In order to be an affluent professional woman, a HNW woman or even an UHNW woman in the British Isles you do not need to come from an aristocratic family. You do not need to come from an established new money family. The UK is a money magnet and people make their fortunes in a myriad of ways. What you do need to be made aware of is the class system and how to manoeuvre within it on your own terms with good manners. You do not need to have attended a Swiss Finishing School, there are easier ways in the UK to enable you to polish your tarnished life diamond.

It is easier to play the game of society when you observe from the outside and dip your toes in the game now and again just to get some training under your belt. You will gain an awareness of different society rules/norms. You make errors and you learn from them. With discernment and luck you will have the ear of an understanding individual who can guide you and place you at ease. Plus, the responses that you receive from individuals is a priceless learning curve in order to understand whom you have to cut loose and whom you include into your life as you enjoy your luxury lifestyle. There are growing numbers of newcomers in British high society who are similar to you. That have a similarity to you and speak as you do, showing the way to others that your different cultural background is not a barrier to being rich. You are able to mingle within society groups of other women who have made it to the top. Who are stamping their own set of norms within the societies that they dip in and out of. These women can straddle high society Kensington and the streetwise sass of Hackney to the North, Brixton to the South, Acton to the West or Ilford to the East. And beyond! There is no limit to your advancement when you have an abundance of money in the UK.

In addition to all of this, being an affluent professional woman who has come from humble beginnings does not necessary mean that you want to stay working in a nine to five capacity. Perhaps you have worked your way up in society through doing odd jobs, through having experienced unemployment, through work based learning, through voluntary work.

Perhaps you left school at an early age and never reached further adult education. Yet you started at the lowest point of a company and worked your way up.

Perhaps you are the first generation and the only person within your family to live in luxury. To marry into luxury. Perhaps you are a mature woman who is living in a foreign country with no connection to that country, except that you have met someone who wants to live with you because they feel a connection to your life journey and they want to enjoy their well earned wealth with you. You at the age of 55. You at the age of 70. You at the age of 85. You do not need to be a 20something, a 30something or a 40something to enjoy living an affluent lifestyle.

How rich are you and whom do you really dislike?

One thing is for sure, you were not brought up in a family environment where people had more money than sense. If anything, perhaps in your childhood you were aware that there was never enough money and very little sense. What was in abundance was judgement, acrimony, coercion and/or beatings. That is a tough environment to grew through and come out the other end of, as a well adjusted affluent woman.

Now you have met someone with money who respects your life journey and your ability to work hard and conscientiously. This partner of yours is more than happy for you to manage your new family home that you have together and for you to not be a bread winner. Instead it is your time to be taken care of within an affluent lifestyle. Your professionalism comes into the fore when you manage your family home with common sense and an innate ability to know right from wrong. You understand money. You know its value and what it can do for you. You respect money now more than ever, because now you live in abundance, luxury, excellence, opulence. When you take on the role as the head of diary functions and dinner hostess, to people that you want to show that you can do the job of a gentry lady without the use of a title, it becomes a life mission that you long to excel at. That you can assist your partner and enable a business/networking growth to sustain your new lifestyle. That you can connect with different types of people and get things done. All of this without being a top corporate achiever. So take a moment and tap yourself kindly on the back. You deserve it. You have a place in life and that place is by the side of your affluent partner who honours and respects you, for doing the job that you do, in a happy, trustworthy, supportive role.

There is no shame in being a housewife and living an affluent life. You do not need to be a Stepford Wife stereotype of a housewife. You do not need to be an all teeth, tits and arse singing and dancing, neon flashing light housewife. You do not need to have plastic surgery enhancements, bottled blonde hair together with an addiction to being an off the shelf glamour model type who drinks hard, party’s hard and has nothing good to say about other affluent housewives. Especially where you participate in throwing drinks over other women, knocking tables over in restaurants, drinking alcohol for breakfast, cry for attention, compete for attention and snap your fingers for attention.

Yes. You will encounter rivalries, but everyone does in real life.

Yes. You will encounter culture clashes, take this as a part of your personal growth and development.

Yes. You will encounter class system and faux superior ways, from people looking down their nose at you because they have an inferiority complex.

Yes. You will encounter lacking in value judgments from deplorable, stuffy, social sets of people that your affluent community has within it and makes a point of continually mixing in, locally, nationally and internationally.

Yes. You will encounter meltdowns. Your own and other people’s.

Yes. You will encounter housewives who were groomed from boarding school to be just that, a housewife to a rich man, and you will at some point be in the vicinity of these women; not lady’s, who take great joy in being cutting and offhand because of their upbringing and privileged interactions. They are not all like that, but to be forewarned is to be forearmed.

Guess what.

So, take your role as an affluent housewife and make it into something authentic and joyful that delivers for you, making you feel good to be alive. Where you are at last living an affluent lifestyle with someone who chose to be with you, because they need you.

If you are feeling ‘so-so’, or, not coping well over the Winter season as you head into the mish-mash of festivities and invitations that have already commenced, through having risen within the status of being a HNW, UHNW or affluent professional woman; in addition to handling being different as your place in society changes, drop me an email. At this time of the year how are you feeling about the relationship with your own Self? The most important relationship in your life. How is that going?

“Ladies if it is getting hard for you, contact me. Come and contact me. I am here for you.” Now that you are here with me ask. Simply ask. Jay at RISE for women coaching. Enable your upper hand to work for you when you press the button.

I am a happy, smiling, rich woman who loves Face Everything And RISE coaching for UHNW & HNW Women because I like to use RISE and Trust coaching I am a happy, smiling, rich woman who loves Face Everything And RISE coaching for UHNW & HNW Women because I like to use RISE to Escape coaching I am a happy, smiling, rich woman who loves Face Everything And RISE coaching for UHNW & HNW Women because I like to use RISE and Succeed coaching

I am a happy, smiling, rich woman who loves Face Everything And RISE coaching for UHNW & HNW Women because I like to use RISE and Trust coaching

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